Sunday, June 20, 2021

How to dress well with minimal effort/funds

Many of us never got into dressing up. And why would we? Our jobs require more practical clothing, and there are much better uses for surplus funds anyway. However, as Christian men, we have a moral obligation to be a role model to the young men in our congregation. When we were young, we looked to the adult men for role models, for someone to aspire to be like, especially when our Boomer parents did not provide much direction.

But now we are the adult men. Now the young men and boys look up to us. Let us all strive to never disappoint them. Let us, among many other things, present ourselves properly in church. Let us make our 'Sunday best' be pretty good.

This guide will work from the bottom up, starting with the cheapest/simplest setups, and building from there. This will allow every man to commit as far as is appropriate for his situation.

Stage 1: the absolute basics
Get a light blue or white dress shirt and navy blue chinos. If you get both colours of dress shirt, this should still be around $100. Definitely buy these in person. Make sure that they fit properly. It is a better use of your money to get the cheapest stuff altered than to buy the slightly nicer ones and have them not fit well. What does a good fit look like? It looks like the dudes on the pictures displayed in the store. They were all fitted perfectly for the photoshoot. If needed, work on your posture. Good posture saves money in the long run, and it makes almost every outfit look substantially better.

Stage 2:
Get a charcoal-grey sports jacket and a tie. Stay away from fancy patterns. With alterations, this may set you back up to $300, but then you are covered for every occasion.

Stage 3: 
Get a pair of khakis and a white polo shirt. This is essential for warmer climates, since the polos have short sleeves. Do NOT get a dress shirt with short sleeves/Hawaiian shirts. Leave those for the celibate vocations and the Boomer filth.

Stage 4: further reading.
A lot of men dress a lot better than I do, and some of them have written about it. Below is a list of links for your perusal. Note that I do not vouch for their adherence to clean speech rules.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

"Critical Race Theory" might be bait

I do not believe in online privacy. I spend my entire digital life under the assumption that someone is at least taping it, and that they can access it as needed. If I want something kept a secret, it stays on pen and paper.

Therefore, Google knows what I read, whom I follow, et cetera. Anything that Google recommends for me, it must be aimed at an at least right-of-centre, if not far-right audience. And boy have they been pushing the "critical race theory debunked by [jogger]" headlines! They show up on my Google News about as much as a certain injection. This is getting pushed hard.

As you know, anything that makes any media headlines is automatically suspicious. Why is it being pushed? I initially thought that 'muh critical race theory' was just the usual mix of fear, division, and incitement-to-cortisol that makes up every news feed, whether it leans left, right, up, down, front, or back. But something that gets pushed this hard is definitely worse. The usual suspects must really be up to something serious. But what are they up to?

This morning, a SocialGalactic post containing the following image solved the query:

It should be noted I was unable to locate this tweet. It might be fake or just deleted already. Either way, I will assume that the information presented is somewhat factually accurate. If parents have indeed been letting their school boards know how they feel about critical race theory, then the whole push makes sense. Here's why:

This theory was insane to begin with. It debunks about as quickly as the wage gap, since it posits that white supremacy somehow makes it easier for blaqs to get into college and makes asians richer than whites. It's a complete joke. Real propaganda is subtle, such as pushing self-destructive lifestyles as 'freedom' and 'cool' and whatever else the Boomers called it.

I posit that the real goal of this 'debunking of critical race theory' is to make the right trust the schools again. You see, we got them libs! They couldn't push critical race theory into the schools! Nevermind all the other propaganda about sex-ed, climate change, and socialism that is still very much in the curricula! Disregard entirely the absolute torture that a 103-IQ teacher excersising their petty tyranny on a 140-IQ student inflicts! Really avoid paying any attention to the pathologisation of masculinity, where every insufficiently castrated boy gets put on amphetamine compounds to suppress the entirely natural and healthy impulse to move around and be physically active! We can trust the government schools now!

Don't fall for it. Homeschool or die is still in full force and effect. Much Love!