Thursday, September 29, 2022

How to change the credit card on UATV

 Step One: go to and there click the box on the right:

Step Two: enter credit card info:

Step Three: you get redirected to this page, double check that it's the right card you want added.

That's it. You're done. Now go win the weekly meme contest.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

I would have done it for ten bucks in Chinese takeout!

 This is a story of an acquaintance of mine. I will call him Kenji. Kenji is a decent enough guy, especially given his particularly tragic personal background. For all intents and purposes, he is an indoor cat. By way of example, I had to help him change his girlfriends tire once. I'm pretty sure the most blue-collar thing he has ever done is adjusted the screws on his drumset.

Anyhow, this is the story of a splinter in his hand. How someone who never fixes anything catches a splinter is beyond me, but it happened. Kenji, in the minuscule fraction of an isolated neuron that constitutes his practical sense, went to the ER. They fixed him up, and stumped him with a bill around US$ 600.

Yeah, you read that right. Six hundred dollars for a splinter in his hand. This upset Kenji enough to go around for like a week, telling anyone who would listen how bad US healthcare is. Maybe he has a point. I know about Bidenflation and the labor shortage, but that's at least one zero too many for pulling a splinter out of a dude's hand and taping it up. Doing that takes all of twenty minutes, but only if you spend ten of them looking for the tweezers.

When he told me this story, I made a show of how I had a pair of tweezers and some booze strong enough to sanitize a wound, right there in my house. I'm pretty sure there was gauze and tape somewhere in the bathroom, but my roommate brought the first aid from his car, just to help me make my point.

Then I looked at him: "Kenji, why the [clean speech] did you go to the ER? I would have done it for ten bucks in Chinese takeout!"

To be completely honest, I would have done it for free for most people. But Kenji is a pain to listen to, and a whiny leftoid to boot. Ten bucks would have paid for my gas to get to him, the materials I taped to his hand, and my time. Some good fried duck with sweet-sour sauce would have helped me deal with his whining on a mental health level.

I'm sure this is not an isolated story. Heck, just this morning I put a rather deep cut into my right thumb. It's currently covered in gauze, masking tape, and finally a layer of duct tape because the masking tape started to come off. It looks kind of ghetto, but my friend taped me up for free. Even if I buy him a fancy cigar as a gift of gratitude, that's still seven bucks, as opposed to a couple hundred.

This begs a question: how much of healthcare is so expensive because people go in for stuff where you really do not need a fully trained medical professional? Yes, I know there is all kinds of corruption and whatnot going on inside the healthcare system. I also know that there are a decent amount of people whom I would not trust to tape up my hand, because MPAI. And one or two people not going along with it won't fix the system. But it will save those one or two people a heck of a lot of money.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Birthday America

 Dear Americans,

I know there are only a few hours left of it, but happy 4th of July!

Like too many of you, I had the exquisite displeasure of running into a Current Thing Buzzkill (CTB) today. This particular superspreader of negativity decided that one cannot celebrate Independence Day because of whatever event(s) happened recently. 'Guys, our country does some random thing that I don't like so you can't have fun tonight! You gotta hate the Star-Spangled Banner as much as I hate myself!'

This clown upset me, und ich bin nicht mal mehr ein Amerikaner! I can but imagine how detrimental these sub-sentient cretins are to your mood. So, in insufficient reciprocity for y'all's wonderful hospitality to myself, permit me to offer you a dialectical consolation: they're wrong.

They're so wrong that they don't even have to be Americans to be wrong. But they're especially wrong as Americans on and about the 4th of July.

Mind you, their original sentiment is at least somewhat reasonable. You don't walk into someone's house, screaming in joy about the Bears winning, when said someone just lost a loved one to a car wreck. Doubly so if the recently bereaved is a Packers fan. You don't barge in on someone's legitimate grief like that. But that is not the case, is it?

The CTBs are usually not personally affected by The Current Thing. They just got told to be mad about something political and now they insist that nobody gets to have a good time because they're mad. Worst of all, they somehow think that America of all places cannot be celebrated while some political wrongs allegedly exist.


On Independence Day!

The whole celebration is about solving your political problems! That's what they declared in Philly, some two and a half centuries ago. Permit me to paraphrase: 'We these thirteen colonies are tired of complaining across the pond for the government to come in and fix our problems. We're doing it ourselves now.'

That is what America does. You, the citizen, don't like the system? Go fix it yourself! Leave the pleading with an aloof nanny state to the old world. That's what we do.

If anything, a given political injustice, real or otherwise, is a reason to celebrate being an American, especially today. Because you live in a country where you, the ordinary person, are both permitted and expected to go and do something about it.

Don't let some self-hating buzzkills ruin your Independence Day. Ignore them like the morale parasites that they are, and enjoy the fact that they are wrong, especially if the superficially offered complaint has some merit to it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

How to work with various SSH ranks

Editor's note: this post will change over time, as people wiser than me add their ten cents.

Don't contradict them in front of other people. Request a private meeting and contradict them there. Then the alpha knows that you are loyal and honest. Also save the technical/detail problems for the bravo(s) wherever possible.

Don't get between them and their alpha in any capacity. Don't ask them to contradict their alpha, don't disrespect their alpha in their presence. Bravos are known for their loyalty, and if you get between them and their alpha, you'll find that out in a hurry. Also, you can use them to run problems up the food chain to the alpha. Like alphas, save the contradictions for a private meeting.

Request and respect their input. They know what they're talking about. Be sure to acknowledge their input and praise their work, ideally in public, but at the very least in private.

Gammas: Make sure interactions are in-person, with witnesses. Avoid anything you can't publish or at least document. Points 2, 3, and 5 of the SJW attack survival guide apply to everything you do with gammas: don't try to reason, don't apologize, and document everything. And keep them away from the women. They are stupidly high maintenance and probably best avoided.

Omegas: Remote work

Sigmas: Let them do their thing, because that's what they're going to do anyway. Ignore their various eccentricities and focus on that which is relevant to the work. The few I've interacted with appreciated the personal space. They're remarkably rare so not really worth worrying about.

Lambdas: Rare. If they're really open about their proclivities, see gamma. If not, see delta.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Witnessing in victory

This post only applies in the USA. Also there's a TLDR at the bottom. 

I'm sure you've heard that Roe vs Wade finally got tossed out of the Supreme Court precedent today. This is a good time for everyone, in every objective sense. But what about the reaction?

There has been some talk about violence against churches and stuff. I think that's mostly overblown. Any such violence will limit itself to areas where the DAs are on board with this stuff and nobody has guns. Here's what's going to happen to many more of us: emotional outbursts of some description or other.

A woman's 'right' to choose abortion is a demonic lie, regardless of how you feel about it, it just is. But a lot of people do believe in it. They're not actually evil. To use Christ's passion as an analogy, they are the crowd, not the pharisees. And these normal people are hurting today. Their hurt is based on a demonic lie, but the hurt itself is real. And some of them may lash out at you.

Don't react to them.

Don't return the hissy fits. If they're not doing actual damage, you should turn the other cheek. That Gospel passage is not about surrendering actual ground, like churchians did when the various evil laws came in to begin with. It is about the anger we will see today, the impotent rage that comes from a place of pain and defeat.

Today is a win, and everyone knows it. There is no need to gloat, to rub it in. It won't change any minds. By gloating, you're doing the equal and opposite of their lashing out: using the other person to derive emotional satisfaction/relief for yourself. So don't.

TLDR don't gloat. Be gracious in victory.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Tribal versus Conceptual Thought

 Back in April, Vox Day posted the following to Gab:

Mark Levin is not your friend. He never was.

"I am not a nationalist. People who push America First are schizophrenic."
- Mark Levin

He's also not an American. He never was.

'Schizophrenic' is an interesting term. Whatever its exact definition, it surely is not a good thing. So why is Levin criticizing America First? It makes perfect sense for Americans. At first, it befuddled yours truly why Levin was against America First. Yes, it is true that he is not an American. But neither am I, and I have no objection to Americans putting America First. Ukranians push 'Slava Ukraina' and Milanese pushing 'Forza Milan' too, and it's fine.

So why does Levin dunk on America First?

Levin is, for lack of a better term, a tribal thinker. He has a tribe, and that dictates how he looks at things. It does not matter what his tribe is called or who else is in it or what they do, at least not for this post. What matters is, as Day points out, that Levin's tribe is not Americans.

Uncle John's Band on SG expressed a similar idea:

Morality in the House of Lies is strategically fluid. Consistency is a category error. Only alignment with/against the beast in a war that never ends.

The reason that morality is 'strategically fluid' is that it is a concept. When the moral high ground benefits their tribe, a tribal thinker will be holier than Saint Benedict and tell you all about it too. When the tribe suffers from morality, such as morality imposed by another tribe, then those stuck-up, bible-thumping Christian Fundamentalists need to stop controlling womens' bodies, et cetera.

Some examples of concepts are Christianity and nationalism. If you happen to subscribe to nationalism in the conceptual sense, then you can agree with the armed forces of both Ukraine and Russian Federation, even while they are at war with one another. You agree with the nationalism of both nations. Circling back, Levin is being truthful here. He is not a nationalist in the conceptual sense. If he was, he would not object to Americans pushing America First.

Similarly, Uncle Johns Band is absolutely right. If you are tribally 'with the beast in the war that never ends', then conceptual consistency is in fact a category error.

Finally, it is perfectly logical for tribal thinkers to ignore the Nazi imagery of some members of the anti-Russian forces in places like Mariupol'. They don't care about Nazism as a concept. They care about the tribe of Russians, which is currently opposed to their own tribe, whichever tribe that is.

Perhaps it is easy to think of tribes as sports teams, for the conceptual thinker. A fan of a particular sports team does not care for concepts and playstyles of the sport. Sure, they will talk about them, but always subordinate to whether or not it benefits their team. When the referee goes easy on the opposite team, he's a pig. When he goes easy on the preferred team, he's fine. This is despite the referee doing the exact same conceptual thing with both teams. The concept/object/thing does not matter, the team/tribe matters.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Thank You William Thomas

Yes, I get it. Women's sports are boring. Swimming in general is boring. I've been to women's swimming events; got more homework done than had I spent the same amount of time in the library. It's great.

But y'all should stop it. Stop sperging about how the trannyfreak issue has wreaked havoc in divorce disputes and schools and God knows where else. There's a reason the Venn diagram of 'who cares about women's sportz' and MGTOWs is a perfect circle. It's a complaint that takes negative social skills to publicly voice. While they may be right, nobody beeping cares. It's a phenomenon common across the lower echelons of the male SSH. But I digress.

The point is, in his greed for getting medals while being slow, Mr. William Thomas of U Penn handed what may well be millions of churchian, cuckservative, or downright liberal Americans a golden red pill opportunity. His generous gift is the logical implication of his athletic fraud. Let us run through it. What does it take to say that it's wrong for a grown man to hop into a pool full of women and pull the testosterone card on them?

First one, men and women have to be biologically different. Specifically, men have to be so much stronger and faster that women cannot be expected to compete against them. Else why bother with separate, protected women's sports? Just co-ed every sport and watch the massacres.

Second, these biological differences have to be unchangeable by the labcoats. If the labcoats can change this stuff, then William's infraction is maybe competing before his 'therapy' is complete. His public sin goes from abomination to technicality. Furthermore, if humans can't change this stuff, what does that point to in terms of our understanding of genetics? Is it possible that, hypothetically, man and woman He created them, and that there's sod-all we can do about it? You get the idea.

Third, women deserve the privacy of their locker room. Your search engine will reveal certain rumors about Mr. Thomas' conduct at Penn State. Consider keeping a bucket nearby when you do go look. But women can only deserve the privacy of their locker room if men and women are, again, biologically different, and if there are aspects of human sexuality that require regulation. Works doubly in those related to little girls. Do you want your daughters/granddaughters/nieces changing around a naked biological man with the associated hardware in full view? Ask yourself further if a certain book, compiled approximately 1500 years ago, could possibly have warned us about not controlling our bodily passions?

Those three are very basic implications. Stuff everyone can understand, even public intellectual figures. Use them tactfully. Yes, it's technically dialectic. But there's plenty of rhetoric to go around. Compliment Mr. Thomas' Adam's apple and his beer gut. Both are clearly visible on the publicly available video footage. And when your less based friends start asking the fun questions, be sure to thank Mr. William Thomas for setting off everyone's disgust reaction.

Thank you William Thomas

Edit: an earlier version said Penn State. Turns out Mr. Thomas swims for U Penn. S/O to Vinny for catching it

Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Call to Hydrocarbon-stained Arms

 Civilisation is more than its great books. Works of literature and history are necessary, but not sufficient. Dante Aligheri had no idea how to facilitate indoor plumbing, William Shakespeare was unable to manufacture the paper that he wrote on, and Aristotle could not grow the bread that he ate.

I cannot tell you whether or not the pen is mightier than the sword, but I can guarantee that the point is moot when you cannot make either of them. And this is what I am going to do about it.

I am going to preserve as much technical knowledge as I can, and I need your help to do it.

The focus is going to be on two things: recipes and instruction manuals. What is concrete composed of? What components does a kettle have?

The general plan is to gather data, sift through it, compress the file size, and send it to as many places as I can for storage.

This post will be updated continuously, mostly with details and logistics. Please reach out if you would like to volunteer either some manuals to preserve or some hard drive space to preserve it.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Your mum's still dead, or The Case against Sinning

Any Christian is at risk of coming into contact with some variant of the following question, because it is as popular as it is silly:

"If everything can be forgiven, why bother with the virtues? Why not sin for most of my live and then repent last minute?"

There are two answers. The first, and somehow popular one, goes something like the following:

"Sin affects your disposition/hardens your heart/etc. -> You won't seek the forgiveness you will need."

There is no short way to express that, and it opens the door to more questions about how the Bible defines the heart versus how the medical community does it, et cetera ad nauseam. Lucky for us, the second answer is much shorter:

"Your mum's still dead."

Let us say that someone unjustly kills your mum, be it normal murder or drunk driving or whatever. Yes, you can forgive them. But that does not resurrect your mum. To use longer words and impress midwits, sin has irreversible temporal consequences.
You can fix a car, but you cannot un-crash it.
Even if getting absolutely plastered once and never drinking again may spare you the liver damage, you still spent a whole night being retarded and a whole next day hungover. You are not getting that time back.

The examples abound, but the conclusion is simple. Sin cannot be fully undone. What you do matters. Therefore, you matter. You matter so much that an omnipotent creator of everything found you worth dying for and actually went and did just that.

Much Love!