Tuesday, June 28, 2022

How to work with various SSH ranks

Editor's note: this post will change over time, as people wiser than me add their ten cents.

Don't contradict them in front of other people. Request a private meeting and contradict them there. Then the alpha knows that you are loyal and honest. Also save the technical/detail problems for the bravo(s) wherever possible.

Don't get between them and their alpha in any capacity. Don't ask them to contradict their alpha, don't disrespect their alpha in their presence. Bravos are known for their loyalty, and if you get between them and their alpha, you'll find that out in a hurry. Also, you can use them to run problems up the food chain to the alpha. Like alphas, save the contradictions for a private meeting.

Request and respect their input. They know what they're talking about. Be sure to acknowledge their input and praise their work, ideally in public, but at the very least in private.

Gammas: Make sure interactions are in-person, with witnesses. Avoid anything you can't publish or at least document. Points 2, 3, and 5 of the SJW attack survival guide apply to everything you do with gammas: don't try to reason, don't apologize, and document everything. And keep them away from the women. They are stupidly high maintenance and probably best avoided.

Omegas: Remote work

Sigmas: Let them do their thing, because that's what they're going to do anyway. Ignore their various eccentricities and focus on that which is relevant to the work. The few I've interacted with appreciated the personal space. They're remarkably rare so not really worth worrying about.

Lambdas: Rare. If they're really open about their proclivities, see gamma. If not, see delta.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Witnessing in victory

This post only applies in the USA. Also there's a TLDR at the bottom. 

I'm sure you've heard that Roe vs Wade finally got tossed out of the Supreme Court precedent today. This is a good time for everyone, in every objective sense. But what about the reaction?

There has been some talk about violence against churches and stuff. I think that's mostly overblown. Any such violence will limit itself to areas where the DAs are on board with this stuff and nobody has guns. Here's what's going to happen to many more of us: emotional outbursts of some description or other.

A woman's 'right' to choose abortion is a demonic lie, regardless of how you feel about it, it just is. But a lot of people do believe in it. They're not actually evil. To use Christ's passion as an analogy, they are the crowd, not the pharisees. And these normal people are hurting today. Their hurt is based on a demonic lie, but the hurt itself is real. And some of them may lash out at you.

Don't react to them.

Don't return the hissy fits. If they're not doing actual damage, you should turn the other cheek. That Gospel passage is not about surrendering actual ground, like churchians did when the various evil laws came in to begin with. It is about the anger we will see today, the impotent rage that comes from a place of pain and defeat.

Today is a win, and everyone knows it. There is no need to gloat, to rub it in. It won't change any minds. By gloating, you're doing the equal and opposite of their lashing out: using the other person to derive emotional satisfaction/relief for yourself. So don't.

TLDR don't gloat. Be gracious in victory.