Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Do American Blaqs really vote Democrat?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a conspiracy hypothesis for you perusal. Or some potential gravy, depending on how you prefer to phrase it. Here it is:

Do American Blaqs really vote overwhelmingly Democrat, and with such reliably high turnout?

Lately, a few US States, most notably Georgia, have looked at fortifying their electoral processes. Given the colossal and obvious fraud last November, this makes sense. But that is not what I find interesting. Does anyone know the knee-jerk sub-par rhetorical response to increasing electoral oversight and voter fraud prevention? I'll give you a minute.

"yOu'Re sUpPrEsSiNg tHe bLaCk vOtE! jIm cRoW!"

This accusation makes no dialectical sense whatsoever. Blaqs have papers, just like everyone else. They also have signatures. And Blaqs are also literate enough to fill out a ballot, despite the best efforts of Democrat-run school districts.

That being said, it is effective rhetoric, since pathetic conservatives fear nothing more than that the people who already want them dead might call them names. But I digress...

Getting back to the point at hand, are we sure that Blaqs overwhelmingly vote Democrat? I for one am dubious. Here are a few reasons why:

First off, being under Democrat rule is the worst thing that can happen to a Blaq person. The taxes go up, the schools go to pot, and the crime increases. Whatever the race realists may be right about, everyone enjoys it when their kids actually learn stuff in class as opposed to getting shot in drive-bys. Even the Blaqs.

Second, there is the reverse great migration of Blaqs back to the American South. And who can blame them? Those States are much saner than the Democrat-maladministered cities and the Brothers are comfortable with the permanent and outrageous heat down there. Point being, Blaqs prefer being 'disenfranchised' by Republicans to being 'empowered' by Democrats, and those with sufficient funds are demonstrating it, one Penske truck at a time.

Third, Blaqs live in big cities, where the population density makes it easy to commit voter fraud. If DeWitt County, IL, suddenly discovered 20K Dem ballots to magically swing an election, everyone would call bovine excrement, since there are only 15K people in that neck of the cornfields, some of whom cannot vote. Cook County, on the other hand, has a whooping 5.15 million million people in it. Nobody would notice 20K extra ballots.

These three reasons are why I believe Blaqs may not actually be the Democrat monolith we are told they are. They suffer from Democrat rule to a point where they try to leave when they can, and they live in cities, where voter fraud is easy.

It would appear that the mainstream media are right in a roundabout way. Electoral fortification does "suppress the Black vote". However, it only suppresses the fraudulent vote of paid Black activists, not the actual vote of real Black people.

1 comment:

  1. You might be right. I have observed that many left-wingers tend to say "this group of people wants this!!! why don't you give it to them?" yet, upon a closer look, it isn't clear that this is what that group even wants. In my view, left-wingers use "vulnerable groups" to ask for things in a way that would camouflage their own agenda. This strategy is very obvious to me when it comes to women as a group. Leftists go on and on about how women wanted feminism, etc. Yet, it isn't clear most women wanted feminism in the first place, and Milo was saying how most women are against feminism. Leftists say "women want this" without making sure this is what women want. Of course, if women say anything, they get attacked. To me, it seems that the main reason why leftists used women as camouflage...is *because* they thought women would not be able to fight back as strongly. So, in the end, because they were (and are) more passive about this, it just *looks* like women agreed more than they actually did. Silence is indeed consent and violence for them. So, I would not be surprised if high level leftists played a similar social game with other minorities. It is believable, to me, given what I know about higher-level leftists, that this is something that would cross their mind. Also, if the mainstream media reports it, it might not be true.
