Good day everyone, and welcome to the first ever Sunday Sampler here on this blog. The purpose of this sampler is to provide for you, dear reader, a sampling of the good, the beautiful, and the true on this day of our Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection. I have a few entries today, mostly in text format. In the future, I hope to find more content to sample, especially in the audio and video formats. Therefore, if you know any good stuff that I haven't put here, please drop a comment and I'll look it over for the next edition. And with that, let's get to it:
[1] Everyone's favourite Indo-British Russophile, Didact, has his own Sunday Scripture series. Since today's entry isn't up yet, enjoy last week's one.
[2] I remember the first time someone looked up to me. I was fifteen and it shocked me a little bit. That event really hammered home that what I do actually matters. Frank Luke takes the Scriptural approach and argues that it matters even more.
[3] Roosh, who needs no introduction, offers an Eastern take on the same idea.
[4] Rev. Matt asks himself and the reader about getting comfortable and boring in the faith. I want to draw special attention to the prayer invitation that he closes with:
In the great mercy and grace of God, pray that our hearts never become too familiar with his grace and border on contempt.
[5] Finally, a video from the great Fr. Mark Goring out of Canada.
And that's a wrap for today. I hope you find joy, inspiration, or both in each of these links.
Blogger has been acting up, so here are the raw link texts for you to copy-paste if needed:
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