Welcome to the fourth Sunday Sampler. Today is Mothers Day, and the topic at hand is dragons. It is for you to decide whether or not these are related.
We start with regular feature Rev. Matt's Writings, who draws a connection between dragons, dinosaurs, and the Behemoth that Job heard about. Again, I invite you to draw your own conclusions, mostly because I know less about dinosaurs than normal people know about computational fluid dynamics.
Comrade Didact has the same Job verses up, with a sermon for interpretation. We also have his Sunday Scripture from last week, with Micah foretelling the Lord Jesus and a sermon.
Rev. Matt also writes about a topic that I sincerely hope none of y'all have to associate with Mothers Day: dealing with emotionally unhealthy people.
Finally, we have Fr. Mark Goring, who closes us out on a high note by showing us what mothers and angels have in common.
Tis a short one today, which leaves more time for our mothers. Happy Mothers Day!
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