Thursday, September 24, 2020

Freedom is Control

"Freedom is when the imposition of discipline from within is substituted for the imposition of discipline from without."

That quote has been bouncing around my head for quite a while now. I could have sworn I read it somewhere, but I cannot find its original source for the life of me. If anyone knows who said that, please please please let me know in the comments, and I will rectify this post.

        I want to give whomever came up with that the proper credit, because it is frankly genius. It perfectly encapsulates what is wrong with the modern perception of freedom. It takes less than twenty words to lay waste to the idea of political libertarianism, or, as would be a more accurate description, political libertinism. Allow me to elucidate: 

        Freedom does not mean that you can simply do what you want. You can always do what you want, subject to the constraints of the laws of physics, of course. That is what free will means, not freedom. The correct meaning of freedom is that you control yourself, and that nobody has to control you. Because there will be control. There will be discipline. There will be order. 

        This is because there is a Creator, namely God the Father of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and He has a plan. His plan will be carried out. You get freedom by following His plan. If you deliberately refuse to follow His plan, He will just drag you along, without breaking His stride by even a nanometer per second. 

        God the Father is very much like, well, a Father. Do you remember your childhood walks? You surely remember how, if you wouldn't follow along, your parents would take you by the hand. Back when you were too small to keep up, they moved you around in a pram. A good Father gives his children as much freedom as they can handle. God, being the perfect Father, does this perfectly well, even when we move out from our biological parents' house. 

        Right now, God allows you as much freedom as you can handle. He allows your nation as much freedom as it can handle. If that is not a whole lot of freedom, I would encourage a look in the mirror. Could you really handle more freedom right now? On the national scale, I would encourage a look at your community: can it control itself, or does it need the imposition of discipline from without?

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