Thursday, August 27, 2020

Some excellent commentary

Just a quick one, addressing some excellent comments on my post from earlier today.

First up, we have an anon, who posted the following insight:

Good post. You said:

", being a simple man, often do not know that you are communicating these things..."

I would add that we often are not communicating anything at all beyond what we say, but regardless, a woman will "feel" that we did. As JLP says, "not all not all not all" but some.

This is, in my opinion, the female equivalent of men who think that women mean only what they say and would never play games. Women will assume that men communicate with their words plus everything else, because that is what they are used to from communicating with other women. The problem here is that men simply do not consciously control anything except their literal words and maybe their general facial expression. Maybe it is possible that men sub-consciously and unknowingly telegraph more through various other parts of their communicative output, but this tends to be rather unreliable. Sort of like how men can misinterpret a woman's words, women can and often do misinterpret a man's extraverbal communication.
Overall, thanks for the input!

The second, and second really good, comment comes to us from a 'Jasper':

All true.

And there is a weird (a?)symmetry:
Men also speak with a "multi-modal communication" that women do not understand. Most men have a better understanding of hunting games, including geometry, time, what it feels like to do something physically demanding, and big-picture history.

That Swiss army knife is a powerful tool, and most women are ignorant about it. They might admire a man who has mastered it, but they don't hope to understand it themselves.

This is definitely true, and only present in men. Specifically, it is present in groups of men who are extremely familiar and experienced with one another, such as a military unit or a really good sports team. There is a point where men form a sort of 'group chemistry'.
To illustrate this, allow me to describe an example from my high school basketball team. I practiced with this team twice a week, but I played with my friend Henni considerably more often than that. As such, I was extremely familiar with Henni's style of play and vice versa. This lead to somewhat ridiculous antics, such as myself turning around for no reason, right in time to catch one of Henni's long passes, despite him not calling anything. Similarly, I would screen players for no apparent reason, only to have Henni use the opportunity to get clear and score. My then-girlfriend asked if Henni and I had some manner of telepathic connection, which we obviously did not. It was just male extraverbal/multimodal communication. A 'masculine intuition', if you will.
Maybe this is what makes men's sports so much more interesting to watch than women's sports. Men's teams can co-ordinate a lot faster, as this 'masculine intuition' does the communication for them, whereas women have to stop, turn around, and look at everyone to get a consensus of what to do. That, and the fact that men are physically faster/stronger etc.

These differences make sense on a historical scale as well. Some manner of real-time non-verbal group communication makes a much more efficient hunting party, and reading faces allows you to communicate with people who cannot verbalize their needs ( cough small children cough ).

All in all, I'm very grateful for this excellent commentary, and I will keep advertising my blog exclusively on SocialGalactic, as I do not have to moderate at all right now.

Female communication

Preface: This post does not apply to sigmas, lambdas, or women. Lambdas talk like women already, and sigmas are wild cards. Sucks to be you, VD et al, but I can't understand or help you. The rest of you, strap in and take notes, for the Holzkind is about to explain women to you.

Are you saying that you, a humble Delta with a big mouth and no filter, figured out women?
No, I did not figure out women, and neither can you. Not even women understand women. Matter of fact, most of them hardly understand themselves, let alone women in general.

That being said, there is something that most lower-SSH men need to understand: women do not talk like you or I do. Sure, they say words that sometimes mean exactly what they'd mean when a guy says them, but they say a lot more as well. This is where the concept of 'womanese' comes from. Same thing when you talk to a woman. She will hear what you say, and understand some of what you meant to communicate. She will also 'pick up' on all manner of other things that you 'communicated' through other means. 'Communicated' is in air quotes because you, being a simple man, often do not know that you are communicating these things, and you do not choose to communicate these things.

There are many people who have picked up on this before me. Rollo Tomassi describes it as a content versus context distinction, with men prioritizing content, and women prioritizing context. He also talks about how women prefer covert to overt communication. Here I have to disagree with Rollo, because, to women, there is nothing covert about this 'covert communication'. They see it is brightly as a man sees the headlights on an oncoming car. It only appears covert because we men are a little bit on the slow side in these matters.

That's all fine and dandy, but how do I pick up on all this covert female communication and learn to understand it?
You don't, because you can't. Your pathetic man-brain trying to keep up with female communication is like bringing a knife to a tank battle. Consider yourself fortunate if your mangled remains are afforded a dignified burial. Anyhow, let us get to the useful takeaway. How does the communicatively underqualified male deal with female communication? By not dealing with it.

Here's the deal: you can't understand women, but they can understand you. So force them onto your level. If you ever hear a woman complaining how men "don't get it" or are "stupid brutes", then there's an eleven in ten chance that she just had to simplify her multimodal communication into man-speak. Women hate to do this, but it's honestly their problem, not yours.

Similarly, do not engage in gossip or drama or social intrigues. Again, you're trying to take on an M1A2 Abrams with your trusted Victorinox. Not going to work, pal. Speak plainly and truthfully, or not at all. If you don't believe me, ask this weird Jewish carpenter kid from two millenia ago who turned a bunch of water into booze and flipped some tables at the temple. He told you to 'let your yes mean yes and your no mean no'. Additionally, both Him and His Father really don't approve of gossiping

TLDR: Women hear more than you say, and they certainly mean more than they say. So avoid their games and speak plainly.

Note to the gammas: Yes, I generalized. Yes, you're an extra special boy to whom the normal rules do not apply. Now ask yourselves why nobody likes you. Goodbye.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Possible cure for gamma

 In today's good news, I believe that the very real and very harmful mind virus called gammatude can be cured! Granted, the cure involves some minor injuries and does not always work, but that still makes it more beneficial than Bill Gates' Coronnu vaccine. Are you ready? Here it comes:

Work in food service for at least six months.

That's the whole cure. Don't worry about health insurance deductibles, you get paid to take this cure. Most affordable healthcare ever!

Here's how it works: you work in food service. Preferably in a smaller enterprise, but a chain should do the trick too. All your delusion bubbles will burst very quickly. You're not special in rush hour. Either you can perform, or you cannot. If you do not own your mistakes and fix them, everyone hates your guts, and rightfully so. You will reach your very narrow limits. If you're honest about your many shortcomings, you will improve, as will your standing with the colleagues and the boss.

There is no posturing on the shift. Every ticket, every ingredient that ran out, every dish in the sink is another moment of truth. Ironically enough, the more you admit failure, the less painful it is. That's how all of life works, but it's a lot more obvious in food service. Unfortunately, this makes it even harder for the gamma to bear. In academia, the gamma can survive for decades, because everything is fake and nothing actually matters. Food service does not run like that. Margins are low, time is short, and you can be replaced at the drop of a pan. Literally.

Now why, I hear you ask, does it take six months? Six months is long enough to guarantee that our gamma patient experiences very busy, understaffed nights, where nobody gets a break and everything goes wrong. Our last gamma lasted about eight shifts, none of which were particularly awful. All three managers hate him, as does the entire workforce. He quit, because we 'bullied' him. Admittedly, I did yell at him once, right after he sprayed hot water in my face and almost broke the dishwasher. He had it coming. He may have failed the cure, but I guarantee that it will work for you, if you can not quit and not get fired for six months.

Product disclaimer: there will be minor injuries. Mostly cuts, scratches, burns, and combinations thereof. Nothing that will kill you, and you get Teflon palms by the end of it. 800F is not actually that hot. 120F is certainly comfortable. Plus, chicks dig the calluses.

Heck, even the side effects are a net benefit! Big Pharma got nothing on me! Try the gamma cure today! Find a food joint and sign up!

PS if you want to comment that this is technically a therapy, rather than a cure, then you're a gamma. Get the cure.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Build Your Own Platform versus Reconquista

A few days ago, the one and only Wranglerstar put up a video about his church kicking out his homeschooling co-op for the sake of the precious 501C Magik Squares. Excuse me while I regurtitate my breakfast at the mere thought this bastardization of the Faith.

Anyhow, he brings up an interesting point, when he says that he will build his own church if he has to. This sounds a lot like Build Your Own Platforms, which I don't necessarily disagree with, especially as it pertains to zombie corporations. However, I believe that the church is different. Allow me explaing why.

PSA for the drama queens: this is not a dig at Wranglerstar himself. I've never interacted with the guy, and he's obviously a good man. Doesn't mean I can't disagree with him. Take your desire for gossip and internet beefs to Twitter where it belongs. Thanks!

Build your own platforms does not work for churches. It has been the modus operandi for Protestantism and its various offshoots for a few hundred years, to a point where we now have forty thousand denominations. As the principle of non-contradiction dictates, a maximum of one denomination can be the correct church, but they all get to call themselves Christians. This muddying of the waters is not a problem for zombie corporations, but it is horrible for the salvation of souls.

Contrary to the 501C-3 status of most churches, Christianity is not about the Magik Squares. Christianity is about saving souls, and more immediately about being a moral authority, because Jesus Christ of Nazareth commanded all mankind to behave a certain way. One cannot simply leave a church and just do ones own thing. Even in the case of corporate convergence, the Rubble Must Bounce. If a church is obviously no longer interested in preaching the Gospel, take them down.

I have no idea which church is the correct one, but we can make Christ's work a lot easier by closing down false preachers. It is possible that Wranglerstar has plans to deal with this false church, but I am not aware of them.

Furthermore, most church bodies are filled with good people. It is not always necessary to destroy the church. Sometimes, one can clean house from the inside. Call it a modern Reconquista. The Prometheans are not the only ones who can start a long march through an institution. Either path will be hard, but that's part of the fun.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Fail harder next time

We humans are failures, every last one of us. Each of us has failed, is failing, and will continue to fail. Yet we somehow fear failure, and avoid it. This is fairly odd, considering how intrisic failure is to the human condition. Fearing failure is about as silly as fearing hunger or exhaustion.

If you do not believe me, here are some examples from the past few weeks alone. We discovered that 
Webtoons was not going to be a useful platform, college sports got cancelled, and the US military hegemony is also over. There are plenty of black pills to go around. Failure is everywhere. Yet it is still a good thing. Here are some of the many reasons why you want to fail:

1) It means that you have reached your limits. You are the hard out, since you did not give up, you were forced out. This allows you to know your limits, and ultimately expand them.

2) Every failure contains a lesson. If you learn this lesson, you are a lot closer to success. The 'why didn't they laugh' podcast is how Big Bear became such a phenomenal comedian: he took all his failures as opportunities to learn. There is always something to gain from failure.

3) It breaks any delusion bubbles. If you accept failure, you cannot delude yourself. If you do not accept failure, there will be the next failure, and the next, until they become impossible to deny. Failure to accept failure is the common denominator across all gamma spirals.

There are many other benefits to failure, especially if they are dealt with properly, but these three should suffice to make the point: Failure is good for you. You want to push yourself until you fail. And then you want to learn from it, and fail harder next time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Don't take the Wrath Tickets

Content warning: This post will invariably discuss some rather uncomfortable topics. I am attempting to stay as safe-for-work as I can, but exposing something necessitates exposing its ugly aspects.

If you are still reading at this point, I trust that you are in a situation where some rather unsavoury content will not embarass or otherwise scandalize you. It is not my intention to do either, but this topic does not lend itself to being sanitized for public consumption.

As the Big Bear and many others have pointed out, the past decades have been a major taking of every available Lust-ticket. Some of this was enabled by technological discoveries, such as reliable contraception and video streaming. Other things were due to social movements, however engineered they may have been, such as the push for divorce and various LGBetc causes. Either way, it is fair to say that practically everyone now has the ability to indulge his or her lust in all of its forms. So what is the next ticket?

Again, the Big Bear was comfortably ahead of schedule on this one, but I am going to write it up anyway: Wrath. That is the next ticket that we are offered. With 3d-printed guns right around the corner, this one will be almost as widely accessible as the pornos. Before I delve into ways to resist the Wrath-ticket, allow me to provide additional evidence that this is, in fact, the new ticket.

Jeffrey Epstein is now a household name in most of the West. More specifically, court documents just got unsealed, and they are not redacted particularly well. People are about to discover very unsavoury things about most public figures. So we have a motive, ie a Wrath-ticket. The means to act on it have been discussed above. Much as I do not wish to disparage Qanon, some of the information there is also Wrath-tickets. Something being true does not protect it from being used as a ticket. As a matter of fact, spells can be interwoven. For instance, taking the Jew-Hate Wrath-ticket leads one to feeding the Jews' own Fear-Spell.

Now onto the useful stuff, namely how to resist taking various Wrath-tickets on offer:

1) Jesus, part I: Everyone is made in the image and glory of a God who loves them so much that He went and died for them. That includes Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine ( conveniently pronounced Jizz-Lane ) Maxwell, and their entire operation. Torturing and / or killing any one of these people out of wrath is an offense against God. The obvious exemption is the death penalty after a court trial. That does not involve wrath, as there is considerable deliberation, and an effort to prevent unnecessary suffering.

2) Your mental health: Killing people, however justified, is not an easy thing on your conscience, and for good reason. Ask anyone who has taken a human life, even by accident. There is a reason for the considerable efforts to dehumanize anyone that the powers-that-be want you to kill. Taking human life, especially by well-informed choice, is ideally avoided. I fully understand that it cannot, and should not, be avoided at all costs, but I can confidently say that I would rather not kill anyone, ever.

3) Jesus, Part II: "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord." That phrase is so biblical that other parts of the Bible quote it. While it is a straightforward instruction to not engage in the Wrath-ticket of revenge, it is also a beautiful reassurance to the believer. You are under no obligation whatsoever to avenge anyone. God has given us His Word that he gets the last say anyway, so he will sort things out. There is no reason to believe for one second that Jeffrey Epstein will get his due, whatever that may be. Not killing yourself is no escape from the Creator of Justice.

4) Jesus, Part III: This is not a particularly strong one, especially for people you hate, but it deserves a mention: Repentance. Jesus Christ of Nazareth forgives sins. He does not forgive certain sins at the exclusion of others. He forgives anything and everything, if you can prove to Him that you understand the error of your ways and attempt to rectify what you have done, whatever shape that may take. This forgiveness is also independent of time or any other constraint. Five minutes before not killing himself, Jeffrey Epstein had ample opportunity to repent and save his soul. For all we know, he may have done that. Unlikely as it may be, I hope that he did. The reason this goes into not taking Wrath-tickets is fairly simple: if you kill someone, you are denying them that opportunity. Maybe Ghislaine Maxwell or Prince Andrew or whoever was going to come clean and fix the situation five minutes after you blew their head off. Congratulations, you just eliminated that option. How do you think God will feel about your doing that when you meet Him?

5) Collateral Damage: As most other temptations, Wrath does not lend itself to particularly precise, judicious, or careful application. Attempting to take your anger out on guilty people will harm innocent people, one way or another. Not a good look for your mental health, or your salvation.

It does not take a genius to figure out that we are about to be on the receiving end of a cacophony of Wrath-tickets. It will, however, be difficult to resist the temptation to take them. I hope that I can reduce the amount of Wrath-tickets being taken with this writing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How Satan makes fun of Jews

Yes, I'm going to write about ze Juden. Mostly because I love them, but also because they provide an excellent example of how fear spells work. The self-described Chosen People have indeed been chosen, by Satan, for the biggest fear spell that I have ever seen.
Like every decent spell, this one is multi-faceted. Satan and his many underpaid minions have installed a number of trauma cycles, a culture of reliving these instead of getting over them, and a good old-fashioned persecution complex. There are also a ton of very easy triggers, just to make sure that the trauma keeps being relived, and that no Jew can ever escape the fear plantation.

For starters, allow me to list some of the trauma cycles. We have the Spanish Reconquista, the well-known Shoah, and the understandable Arab animosity to the State of Israel. There are many others, but these three are relatively famous.
The Spanish Reconquista trauma is mostly confined to academia, where Jewish scholars are taught that every time Christians get a strong leader to be politically successful, they will immediately go after the Jews, just like Isabella I of Castile allegedly did.
The Shoah is the biggest and most famous trauma event. Whatever it was that actually happened is entirely irrelevant, because everyone is scared of the concept. Best of all, the Third Reich had a lot in common with modern governments, so it is extremely easy to draw parallels to any given political situation.
Finally, we have the thousand-year old Jew-Muslim hostilities over the Holy Land. Since most countries with sizeable Jewish populations have recently allowed some manner of Muslim immigration, this ancient tribal feud is now played out in Western political theaters, replete with anti-Semitic slurs and calls for Jihad.

Additionally, they have a culture of remembering every time that the Jews got persecuted. Every location that may or may not have had anything to do with anything remotely Shoah-related has to have some manner of memorial on it. They keep saying 'Never Again', but every conceivable location gets a reminder. Maybe that's the strategy: Can't have another Shoah if the first one is still happening inside the collective consciousness. Cruel as that sounds, that is exactly what is happening. The countless number of movies about the Shoah only add to this. And every year, there are more movies made. The trauma cycle must continue.
Contrast this with the culture in Christianity. There is an active persecution of the Faith happening in parts of Asia right now, and nobody really cares. Certainly nobody remembers the Red Terror in Spain in the thirties, or the Purges following the Russian Revolution. Christ preached forgiveness and reconciliation, as well as converting one's oppressors by keeping steadfast through persecution.

Finally, there is the vast number of 'Hate Symbols' that are all conveniently publicly listed. Mind you, this list has nothing whatsoever to do with preventing hate. The way you prevent hate is talking to people. This list is there so that anyone can look it up and be scared. All it takes to terrify and re-traumatize a Jew is for some fatherless fourteen-year-old with documented behaviour issues to scrawl 109/110 on a wall in the public school bathroom. And convincing a directionless teenage boy to be 'edgy' is the easiest thing in El Diablo's playbook.

The 21st-Century Jew is actively targeted by the biggest and most convoluted fear spell that I have ever come across. Most of the events used to underpin this fear spell have some truth to them, and they are all twisted and mixed into the perfect Cocktail of Terror.
But enough with the problem. There has to be a solution. The only thing that I can think of is that we should not be edgy, because of the way that is used to terrify the Jew for Satan's amusement. Furthermore, we would be well advised to make Jews feel safe, at an individual level. Invite them to your martial arts gym, make them strong and confident, that kind of thing. Are there any other proven methods? Feel encouraged to let me know in the comments.