Tuesday, August 4, 2020

How Satan makes fun of Jews

Yes, I'm going to write about ze Juden. Mostly because I love them, but also because they provide an excellent example of how fear spells work. The self-described Chosen People have indeed been chosen, by Satan, for the biggest fear spell that I have ever seen.
Like every decent spell, this one is multi-faceted. Satan and his many underpaid minions have installed a number of trauma cycles, a culture of reliving these instead of getting over them, and a good old-fashioned persecution complex. There are also a ton of very easy triggers, just to make sure that the trauma keeps being relived, and that no Jew can ever escape the fear plantation.

For starters, allow me to list some of the trauma cycles. We have the Spanish Reconquista, the well-known Shoah, and the understandable Arab animosity to the State of Israel. There are many others, but these three are relatively famous.
The Spanish Reconquista trauma is mostly confined to academia, where Jewish scholars are taught that every time Christians get a strong leader to be politically successful, they will immediately go after the Jews, just like Isabella I of Castile allegedly did.
The Shoah is the biggest and most famous trauma event. Whatever it was that actually happened is entirely irrelevant, because everyone is scared of the concept. Best of all, the Third Reich had a lot in common with modern governments, so it is extremely easy to draw parallels to any given political situation.
Finally, we have the thousand-year old Jew-Muslim hostilities over the Holy Land. Since most countries with sizeable Jewish populations have recently allowed some manner of Muslim immigration, this ancient tribal feud is now played out in Western political theaters, replete with anti-Semitic slurs and calls for Jihad.

Additionally, they have a culture of remembering every time that the Jews got persecuted. Every location that may or may not have had anything to do with anything remotely Shoah-related has to have some manner of memorial on it. They keep saying 'Never Again', but every conceivable location gets a reminder. Maybe that's the strategy: Can't have another Shoah if the first one is still happening inside the collective consciousness. Cruel as that sounds, that is exactly what is happening. The countless number of movies about the Shoah only add to this. And every year, there are more movies made. The trauma cycle must continue.
Contrast this with the culture in Christianity. There is an active persecution of the Faith happening in parts of Asia right now, and nobody really cares. Certainly nobody remembers the Red Terror in Spain in the thirties, or the Purges following the Russian Revolution. Christ preached forgiveness and reconciliation, as well as converting one's oppressors by keeping steadfast through persecution.

Finally, there is the vast number of 'Hate Symbols' that are all conveniently publicly listed. Mind you, this list has nothing whatsoever to do with preventing hate. The way you prevent hate is talking to people. This list is there so that anyone can look it up and be scared. All it takes to terrify and re-traumatize a Jew is for some fatherless fourteen-year-old with documented behaviour issues to scrawl 109/110 on a wall in the public school bathroom. And convincing a directionless teenage boy to be 'edgy' is the easiest thing in El Diablo's playbook.

The 21st-Century Jew is actively targeted by the biggest and most convoluted fear spell that I have ever come across. Most of the events used to underpin this fear spell have some truth to them, and they are all twisted and mixed into the perfect Cocktail of Terror.
But enough with the problem. There has to be a solution. The only thing that I can think of is that we should not be edgy, because of the way that is used to terrify the Jew for Satan's amusement. Furthermore, we would be well advised to make Jews feel safe, at an individual level. Invite them to your martial arts gym, make them strong and confident, that kind of thing. Are there any other proven methods? Feel encouraged to let me know in the comments.

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